11 thoughts on “Burning Bridges

      1. Skye

        Ahhh…so you actually do know each other! That makes it all even funnier. It sounds fun!! Everyone needs a great ranting and raving friend!!! 😀


      1. Skye

        Well, I have loved reading the back and forth..and I learn so much!! Most times, I feel like I need a special decoder ring to decipher it all. 😀 I am glad you have him, Dear Friend!!


    1. Hernan J Monzon Post author

      Yeah me too. Hahaha! You should see us on Facebook. I am sure there are people that think we’re just wrong in the head but I really don’t give a damn because the only real reason I go on is for our demented banter back and forth. It sure helps pass the work day away. Nice to know that I’m not the only twisted soul in the thorn bush.


      1. Skye

        You are definitely not the only twisted soul in the thorn bush, Silly. And, even if you are, I am glad to call your twistiness friend. You are a hoot and a half!!!!


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