My Contribution to Saturday Night’s Creative Party Canvas (She’s in My Head)

Such a cool collaboration when you leave a blank canvas out and hand people markers. I love when this happens and am so lucky to be around such talented and creative people.

She’s in my head
like fire

I love the way
on her tongue
as her voice
rides me
like an angel
in my lap.

‘Never’ she says
there are acres of it
never never

Her caress
Her caress
a million fingers
a million deaths.

She is the burn
the sun
on flesh.

She is a piano
in complete darkness.

she's in my head

Self-portrait (before pic)

She's Drunk

After pic.

5 thoughts on “My Contribution to Saturday Night’s Creative Party Canvas (She’s in My Head)

  1. Skye @ TheSanctuaryofMyHeart

    HERNAN!!!!!! Speaking as one of your biggest fans, I love this post!! It is so good to see another picture of you to get an idea of the you that is you! I am so glad you are surrounded by people that you enjoy so much!! I really enjoyed your writing, as well!! Thank you, Hernan, for sharing you with us. 🙂 Have a great night/day!!


    1. Hernan J Monzon Post author

      Thank you so much Skye! It really helps to be around people that are genuine and creative minded. We can laugh at all the absurdities of life together. I know what it’s like not to have them around. And thank you for your ongoing support I really appreciate it. You have a great night as well.


    1. Hernan J Monzon Post author

      Thank you! These should be at all the parties. Chad’s gonna let me keep the canvas instead of painting over it. I’m going to hang it up at my place. Will feel like a piece of personal history.



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